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Log in is impossible!

  • Active Contributor

I have been trying for WEEKS to log in both with the app and online. Because I received error messages each time I tried email addess, password and phone number, I had to keep making changes and have frequently been sent reset and verification emails . I have tried with three different browsers. Nothing enabled me to actually log in...except to this community, which somehow has succeeded.So by now I have no idea how to proceed in order to log in to my account..

Best answer by Tyler

Hi there @MiFi, we’re sorry you feel this way.


If that doesn’t work, and you’re still having issues, we can send you a PM if you like to investigate further, or please contact our live-chat:


Thank you,


View original

  • Platinum 
  • May 24, 2024

Okay @MiFi, the iD Community login is completely independent and separate to login for the iD app and “My iD Account” online. 

Whoever developed the new iD app and “My iD Account” online services, has caused issues for some customers, who appear to have ongoing problems with both applications. 

It might be less hassle and less stressful to just switch to another service provider, @MiFi.


  • Active Contributor
  • May 30, 2024

So...not only is no-one at id mobile dealing with this issue that a good deal of users are experiencing, the system also marks my query ‘solved’ when the ‘solution’ was another member suggesting dumping id mobile!

Please don’t say that id mobile is actually run by one man and his dog….but there is no man, and  maybe just a virtual dog?

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • June 5, 2024

Hi @MiFi 


The system doesn’t mark answers as solved on it’s own, this would typically be done by the owner of the post.


Have you actually registered to the new iD Mobile app before attempting to log in?


We are aware of some issues with the iD Mobile app and apologise for any inconvenience caused.



  • Active Contributor
  • June 5, 2024

Hi Tom,

Jut to be sure…..

I checked that I had the latest id mobile app on my android phone.

I put in my phone number, last name, dob.

Error message ‘Sorry, your details do not match our records. Please try again’.

So I try the details on my other account (I have two sim accounts).

Same error message.

The only way foward is a re-direct to id mobile home page, by saying I don’t have an id mobile  number!

That is why I posted on this forum.

There are many users in a similar situation and it is beyond frustrating why no-one at id mobile is offering anything at all………

Meanwhile id mobile keep sending me emails saying how wonderful everything is…..and these emails confirm the last few digits of my phone number and arrive at presumably an email address that they recognise since they are sending to it.

I use that address, log in...and get error messages, so change the password. This password change is then confirmed by id mobile by email and I verify each time.

Then I can not login (again….).

So it goes on, and on.

Both on android app, and also on pc using three different browsers.


  • Active Contributor
  • June 5, 2024

PS….Tom, your info re marking answers solved is not correct.

I am the ‘owner of the post’ and I was informed by email that the one reply I had was ‘marked as the most helpful answer’ then the issue was marked solved.

Not by me it wasn’t!

Matthew T
iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • June 5, 2024

Hi @MiFi,

Not sure why the flagged as ‘Most Helpful’. I’ve unmarked it for you. To confirm, the iD Community uses different log-in credentials to the iD Mobile app & My Account online. I’d recommend chatting with our Live Chat team to confirm we hold the same personal information that you’re using to register for the App. If that is the case, then please message me back and I will escalate further.


  • Active Contributor
  • June 5, 2024

If by LIve Chat you mean the non-human help service - yes I tried that a couple of times and it is impossible to get anything answered that is not in the list of questions it suggests.

Can you please give me a link or phone number or something so that I can verify my details and then hopefully establish an account...because there seems to be no way of doing anything except posting on this forum!

(And...yes...I am fully aware that log in to this place is different from the log in to one’s id mobile account).

I used to log in to my account….then ‘improvements’ or whatever were made, and it has been impossible to get anwhere since.

Matthew T
iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • June 6, 2024

Morning @MiFi,

I was addressing your initial message about how you could log in to Community, just wanted to confirm why that was the case! For our Live Chat, simply type "Speak to someone" (I believe you have to do this twice) and you will be connected through to an agent.


  • New
  • June 18, 2024

Having joined iD back in January since the new app was introduced I am unable to login to either the App or online. Removed the app from my IPhone & reloaded from the app store still no joy. The app advises success then told that my details are not recognised same when I login online. Can’t download invoices for work expenses so the cost cannot be claimed. Tried time & time again to login but always the same answers. Having used all the main providers over the last 30 years I should have followed my daughters advice to stay clear. No one seems to have the answer or offers to resolve the problem, there’s only so many times “sorry” is acceptable. This could be the longest 2 years of my life before I can change provider. 

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • June 19, 2024

Hi @Terry1957 


Sorry to hear this, have you tried instead using the app using the website to try and register/log in?



  • New
  • June 19, 2024

Tom, I’ve tried both options & continually get the message that my details are not recognised. I don’t know what else to try!!!!

  • Active Contributor
  • June 19, 2024

Hi Terry,

mine was the original query above. This may help:

In the end, I followed ‘Matthew T’’s suggestion above. I went to ‘live chat’ and perservered with ‘speak with someone’ and eventually what seemed like a human chatted with me. Their language was laced with seemingly robotic cliches so I’ve no idea whether there was indeed a human component….but it lead me to establishing my info was correct, and I then managed to actually log in to the web-based interface!

I just tried to log in now, and after trying three browsers and 2 or 3 attempts...managed to actually get through. So it ‘kind of’ works for me curently…...

That will have to do for now, since I can at least now see what’s gong on in my account.

The id mobile setup is incredibly flaky, and they are not particularly holding their hands up to admitting what’s really going on, and unforunately they are merely doing what an increasing number of other services are doing in our world.

  • New
  • June 19, 2024

Thanks MiFi,

I’ve tried most things & spoken to an advisor but still no joy. My only option is to keep trying as the last time I had human contact with iD they advised that the app will be up & running for all soon, that was about 6 weeks ago. I really don’t understand why it is so difficult.

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • July 4, 2024

Hi @Terry1957 


Sorry to hear this, do you still require assistance with this?

Please let us know if so so we can get in touch.

We’ll be able to get in contact with you to assist here, or for a quicker service, we’d recommend using Facebook or Twitter.


  • New
  • July 17, 2024

Hi all, 

I had the same login problems on my laptop. I then tried to log in on my fire amazon tablet (android OS) and it works. Hope this helps. 


  • Active Contributor
  • July 17, 2024

As the original poster, here is an update:

Although I did finally manage to establish a log in (as detailed above) I have just seen that that was merely temporary!

A lovely new error message has now popped-up, headed

And….again….I am unable to login, using exactly the same process that enabled me to log in recently….

So I tried the usual….different browsers….and eventually I got through using Chrome.

So the system continues to ‘sort of’ work, some of the time…...

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • July 31, 2024

Hi @MiFi,

Sorry for the issues you are having.

If you are having issues, I would advise trying a different device or browser as you have already done.



  • Active Contributor
  • July 31, 2024

Hi kash,

so your advice is for me to do exactly what I’ve just said I’ve done?

I do wonder about you guys….it almost seems lke you respond in order for some aspect of a ‘box-ticking ‘ exercise to be enabled!

I will continue with ID Mobile (and even recommend it to friends!) because it is the best value for long as one is willing to put up with occasional blips…..

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • July 31, 2024

Hi there @MiFi, we’re sorry you feel this way.


If that doesn’t work, and you’re still having issues, we can send you a PM if you like to investigate further, or please contact our live-chat:


Thank you,


  • New
  • September 24, 2024

I am having this issue too. The password reset code for the app just doesnt come through. Email is correct. When I try to use the website I'm getting something saying “bad gateway” no matter what browser I use. It says its a host problem their end. I need to reset up my direct debit from a new account but can't get in to do this. I spent ages on live chat to tech support today but they were unable to resolve it so now its been escalated to complaints

I managed to get in a few weeks back and changed my DD details and got nothing saying there was a problem until my account was suspended due to no payment received! So I paid over the phone but now have no DD set up and i’ve no idea why no one could tell me the problem. They wanted to reinstate my old DD today but I am trying to close that bank account which is the whole point so I said no don't do that please…. can you just resolve my issue and set up a DD from the right account please? Still waiting for this to be sorted. It sounds like I am not the only one! 

After this I doubt I will stay with ID once my contract is up as the customer service is awful and the app and website seems to have constant problems. It was also an hours wait to speak to someone on the live chat today. Ridiculous! I am not impressed at all but they have you by the balls dont they as you are under contract.

When I said no to reinstating my old DD the operator sent me a message saying it would be £900+ to cancel my contract which I found extremely abrasive as I did not want this I just wanted access to my account and to be able to pay my bills automatically again!!

Matthew T
iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • September 25, 2024

@SarahD83 - apologies, the 502 Bad Gateway issue has now been resolved. Please try and log-in again.


  • New
  • September 25, 2024

Thank you. I just tried and I have the same issue on the website. The password reset just doesn’t come through. The email is right because it doesn’t ask me to registerer.?it just doesn’t come so I still can’t get into my account via app or website. I will wait for my complaint to be looked into I guess 

Matthew T
iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • September 26, 2024

@SarahD83 sorry to hear this, I’d suggest trying again, perhaps at an off peak time, such as early morning or late evening? There has been an issue with the iD Mobile app / My Account Online but these were resolved yesterday afternoon. Thanks.

  • New
  • January 23, 2025


I had the same issue with problems of logging in on my laptop. I could log in on android tablet but not the laptop. I also experienced problems with loading any website for that matter after my laptop stayed idle for a while. And then a miracle happened: someone told me to delete Xbox app from my laptop and voila - my laptop is super quick now and I can log into id mobile as well. There must a bug in the system in that app...
