We need to upgrade one of our phones. We have 2 phones on different accounts. The one that needs an upgrade we don’t have access to the original email address that we used to log on. We last posted the following:
I’ve been with ID for a number of years (two phones on separate accounts). One phone needs an update but we don’t have access to the original email address used. When we try to re register following the instructions on the help page “I've forgotten which email address my number is linked to in the iD Mobile app. What should I do?” but continually get the message “sorry your details do not match our records”. Any idea how this can be resolved.
We were advise to go through chat & if that didn’t help get back to ID. Chat advised to re-register, which is the original problem.
Since then we have been in contact with ID & supplied them with details, name, address phone number etc. But have still not had any resolution to our problem.
Anyone got any idea as to where we go from here?