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I stupidly used the wrong password once too often and got locked out. I am now in to day 9 and 9 contacts with the “customer service!” chat line. I was promised 3 to 5 days to unlock the phone yet here we are 9 days in and after yet another promise to raise a ticket and after 3 complaints being raised the latest is asking me to wait another 24 to 48 hours. The chat line team cant talk to the technical team and for some reason they are insistent i cant talk to a manager so they keep raising tickets that aren't actioned and the whole frustrating, annoying and aggravating process rolls on. Can anyone help?

That doesn’t seem great customer service @Sjb123 - maybe it’s time to make an official complaint?

You can start online at

Thanks for the advice - i am now on complaint raise number 4 so hopefully someone somewhere will pick the issue up and get it resolved. The frustration is not only having to wait so long for a resolution and bearing all the challenges that the wait entails its the feeling of hopelessness in not being able to deal with someone who can actually get something done. The chat line staff simply take you through a scripted response, tell you that someone has raised a ticket but that someone else has cancelled it and that they will raise another. I can see this going on for weeks. I was offered £20 as recompense but told them i dont want it, i just want my phone to work!

Appreciate your help


Is it your SIM card which is locked, or is it your mobile phone, @Sjb123

If it’s your SIM that’s locked, then iD Mobile can give you a PUK to unlock your SIM. 

If it’s your handset that’s locked, then you’ll need assistance from the device manufacturer.


Thanks again - maybe i need to get into an apple store as its the phone that's locked - new phone after years of having a company phone and in my stupidity i used the wrong password once too often.


ID can unlock it, they said in 3 to 5 days, but that was 9 days ago. The technical team need to do it but for some reason the customer service team who i am dealing with every day, keep raising complaints and action tickets that the technical team either ignore, don't get or cant be bothered dealing with.


Its literally a 2 minute job for the technical team but you cant contact them direct, the service team have refused to let me contact a manager or involve a manager and one would have thought an internal e mail or phone call would get the job done but thats obviously far too simple a solution


I have even though of going in to town and trying a phone unlocking service?


Thanks once more

Yeah, unfortunately getting useful technical support from iD can often prove frustrating, @Sjb123

Maybe visit an Apple store, or try Apple support (online / telephone), which would perhaps be a faster way of unlocking your iPhone. - this Apple support article might help in your situation.




Hi @Sjb123,

Welcome to the Community!

We hope that your issue is resolved.

If you require further assistance, please let us know.



Hi all - appreciate all that tried to help. The chat line support for 10 long days was consistently appalling, slow and unhelpful. On the 11th day, after being told for 10 that the issue was being dealt with, a ticket was raised, a complaint raised again and again I was eventually told they couldn’t reset the phone and I needed to visit an Apple Store or a phone unlocking specialist. Basically their incompetence lost me ten days use of my phone - not life threatening but stress inducing and annoying in the extreme. It’s now unlocked and I can save an hour a day of wasted time on the ID chat


thanks again for the advice and help and I hope someone from ID picks this up and adds it to the training of the poorly trained support team 

Hi @Sjb123,

Thanks for getting back to us and advising us of your experience.

We can certainly pass on any feedback that you have to be reviewed internally.

If you would like us to escalate this, please provide as much information as possible.



Kash - i would like to escalate this as i wasted so much time and effort and lost the use of my phone due to your organisations incompetence. Not sure what else i need to provide but i have several of the very long transcripts from the chat line plus there are complaints raised on your system

Kash - i would like to escalate this as i wasted so much time and effort and lost the use of my phone due to your organisations incompetence. Not sure what else i need to provide but i have several of the very long transcripts from the chat line plus there are complaints raised on your system

Hi @Sjb123, we’d be able to escalate this internally, as we agree that this issue should have been resolved in a much shorter timeframe. You should have been made aware straight away that the phone could only be unlocked by the manufacturer. We are only able to unblock SIM cards.

We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further.

To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.

