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Hello there, i have received numbers from private callers and i would like to request my call log from today to see if they appear in there. Thank you

Log of outgoing calls/texts only via your invoicing.

Why on earth do you think they’d have incoming call logs?

Log of outgoing calls/texts only via your invoicing.

Why on earth do you think they’d have incoming call logs?

Because telecoms companies are required by law to hold metadata about calls - including where it came from - for a fair number of years. However. ID don’t actually operate a network. They lease space on one. I’d wager three would. I’d also wager significant struggle obtaining them without LEO credentials. 


More importantly, why would you suspect the call logs to differ to your local device?  Incidently, spoofing the source number on a network that doesn’t feature any form of authentication is trivial.

Hi @Nathaniel Dyton 


Unfortunately, we wouldn’t have incoming call logs, sorry.


