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extremely poor network coverage getting worse

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I've been with ID mobile since October 2022 and have a pixel 7 pro handset, I noticed the signal was poor but I checked the coverage which claims the city centre I live in (Cambridge) should have good indoor and outdoor signal so I assumed it was temporary issue. This seems to have progressively got worse over time and has never improved, I've travelled all over the UK and it's totally patchy and I can pretty much only make calls outside.

My partner had the same handset on Tesco mobile and has no issues anywhere. I'm now moving to Norwich, there area is also listed as having good signal inside and out with 5g, in reality i can maybe 2 bars h+ so I'll have to rely on WiFi. I'm not sure I can cope with this, my contract is up on 11 Oct 2024 but I'll need signal until then. What options do I have? I can't afford to pay for another contract just to make phone calls or use the internet on my mobile... I pay for 50gb data unlimited texts and calls.

Best answer by andewhite

This clause in your iD contract appears to suggest you’d need to demonstrate consistent lack of services, against your typical usage, in order to stand a chance of leaving your 24-month minimum term handset contract without an early termination charge. 

Have you looked at trying a replacement SIM card yet, @Zazuj?


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  • Platinum 
  • 12068 replies
  • January 22, 2024

Do you get the same issues using your iD SIM in a different handset, @Zazuj
If yes, then your SIM might be damaged or faulty. 

The online coverage checker only shows the theoretical coverage predicted at any given location, based on computer models. The actual signal reception may be better or worse than predicted by these models. 

The iD Mobile coverage checker has the following statement below their coverage results:

Although we try to make these coverage results as accurate as possible, the information is only a guide. It doesn't guarantee availability in a particular location. The roll out plans are updated regularly and may change over time.

The website has data on actual coverage for many locations in the UK.


  • Author
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  • January 22, 2024

Hi thanks for the reply. I've already checked mastdata but regardless, I'm talking major UK city centres. I'm in Manchester at the minute and getting one bar 4G/h+ (outside). If I'm in the countryside I'm better off finding any local WiFi as it's hopeless. The ID's online theoretical checker is obviously just completely incorrect so I stopped using that entirely. 


So regarding the SIM card itself being faulty is interesting and something I've never heard of before in this context, I'd understand a damaged SIM card being unable to function correctly having a poor contact but how would this reduce signal? The signal is bad in other handsets sure but isn't this just because it's trying to connect to the same masts providing poor coverage?

  • Platinum 
  • 12068 replies
  • January 22, 2024

Perhaps the antenna in your primary handset are faulty, or less than optimal with the radio spectrum used by iD Mobile, @Zazuj

Can you try your iD SIM in another handset? 
This could help identify if this issue is caused by the SIM card, or the handset.

My own experience of using the Three UK mobile network (iD Mobile’s network partner), for a majority of the last 14-years has been favourable - all over the UK.


  • Author
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  • January 23, 2024

I'll try, I had better signal using an e-sim abroad than I've ever had with ID mobile using this handset however so I highly doubt it, I had consistent 4g inside and out. Before this Ive had no issue with Giffgaff in the same area. Also, from taking a brief look at this forum I can see plenty of others complaining about lack of coverage... I don't think this is an isolated issue to me.

  • Platinum 
  • 12068 replies
  • January 23, 2024
Zazuj wrote:

I'll try, I had better signal using an e-sim abroad than I've ever had with ID mobile using this handset however so I highly doubt it, I had consistent 4g inside and out. Before this I've had no issue with Giffgaff in the same area. Also, from taking a brief look at this forum I can see plenty of others complaining about lack of coverage... I don't think this is an isolated issue to me.

Okay @Zazuj, the different UK mobile networks are each using different parts of the radio spectrum, allocated for mobile telephone services. Some parts of this radio spectrum penetrate buildings better than other parts. Not all the UK networks have been allocated parts of the radio spectrum good for building penetration etcetera.

At any given location, one of the mobile networks may provide a better signal (indoors/outdoors) than their competitors. Perhaps the O2 network (used by giffgaff) is the best network at your location with your handset. 


  • Author
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  • 3 replies
  • January 23, 2024

Does anyone have any experience with cancelling a contract with ID early to switch providers for this kind of reason? There’s really not much point me trying to get by with ID once I move if I can barely get signal in the city so I guess i’ll just have to eat the cost as October is a long time to live without decent signal really. 

  • Platinum 
  • 12068 replies
  • Answer
  • January 23, 2024

This clause in your iD contract appears to suggest you’d need to demonstrate consistent lack of services, against your typical usage, in order to stand a chance of leaving your 24-month minimum term handset contract without an early termination charge. 

Have you looked at trying a replacement SIM card yet, @Zazuj?


iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 8068 replies
  • January 24, 2024

Hi @Zazuj,

Welcome to the Community!

Have you raised this with us already and has it been investigated?

Can you please provide the postcodes for the locations that you are having issues?




Andrea Bain
  • New
  • 1 reply
  • March 28, 2024

I am really disappointed with the cover and signal strength of this provider. Customer service is non-existent even when physically visiting a curry’s store. To be honest I do not believe this service is value for money as it is not fit for purpose. 

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 8068 replies
  • April 1, 2024

Hi @Andrea Bain,

Welcome to the Community!

Has your coverage been checked?

Is it a sudden change in coverage or has it been the same since purchasing?



  • New
  • 1 reply
  • September 21, 2024

Hi, I’ve only just purchased a sim only deal 2 days ago. Switched and connected just fine but signal is barely even scrapping a download speed of 1.45mbps with an upload speed of 0.49. I’ve followed every instruction discussed in the forums on how to rest/ shut down/ reconnect and still very very poor signal. I don’t live in a built up area. So it can’t be that either. 

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 8068 replies
  • September 23, 2024

Hi @rozannedeuer,

Welcome to the Community!

Have you checked the coverage in your area?

The link below to the Help Hub may provide answers regarding your coverage.



My network  connection is not working l had to get another sim from another provider 

I am not happy  with the service  l am getting  from ID mobile 😑 


  • Active Contributor
  • 16 replies
  • October 19, 2024

Why does three not just admit to they are giving all the bandwidth to there broadband service well that's my thoughts on the matter.

  • 6 replies
  • October 31, 2024

ID : Incredibly Disappointing 


  • 6 replies
  • October 31, 2024

Very same problem in the South West to Gloucestershire, the signal everywhere I go is absolutely utterly useless, usually hovering around a pretty pathetic 1 or 2 bars of 4G, only in cities do I get more.  


It's easily the worse network I've ever been on by far, & I've used them all; I was on 3 for a few years & always thought the signal was pretty good everywhere, so I guess ID are just using their budget leftover scraps! 


I'll be buying out of my contract early & going straight to EE, which I should never have changed from! 


  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 1888 replies
  • November 1, 2024

Hi @LeonG 


Thanks for posting.


We see that you have posted on a separate thread so we have responded to you there. 





  • Active Contributor
  • 9 replies
  • November 5, 2024

My network reception has gone to pot too.  Tried a new SIM, didn't help.  Not a random issue as it's happened all over Scotland, Bedfordshire and London.  It's all been since the 3G being dropped by Three.  Complained but nobody interested.  I believe Three are prioritising their customers over idmobile customers.  Very poor, I've been with them for years and recommended so many customers to join.  Time we all leave unfortunately. 

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 7891 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Hi @doctorrs2h3 


Sorry to hear this, this is happening everywhere, correct?


Have you tried your SIM in a different device? What device are you using?



There is no priority order between Three UK customer and iD Mobile.



  • Active Contributor
  • 9 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Thanks Tom, not very helpful I'm afraid.  yes tried the SIM in another phone with the same issues, same with the new SIM.  My wife is with Three and we obviously share the same network, yet she has no issues whatsoever.  Idmobile seems to have it's head in the sand, or is simply ignoring customers.  There's an issue, just need transparency. 

  • Active Contributor
  • 9 replies
  • November 6, 2024

And if course Three own idmobile, could be a case of running down the operation.  Again, transparency would be welcome. 

iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 8068 replies
  • November 6, 2024

Hi @doctorrs2h3,

If you are having issues with coverage it may be worth contacting our Live Chat Team to carry out some troubleshooting.

Our coverage and network status would show any issues in the area and should be the same as the one that Three UK use.


Gold Contributor
  • Gold Contributor
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  • November 6, 2024


My wife is with Three and we obviously share the same network, yet she has no issues whatsoever.

I too am in the same poor signal boat as yourself. If your better half can part with her phone, or you both don’t mind checking, what happens with your phone and your good ladies SIM card?

Do you see an instant improvement in the signal?


I did some testing when my wife and I were with Tesco (and they piggyback on O2) as our signal gradually got weaker as the years rolled on with them - irrelevant to our (you and I and many others currently) issues at present but our son popped round and he was direct with O2 - anyway his card in either of our phones was full signal, whereas using Tesco it was 1-2 bars.


I hopefully have a friend popping over at some point and he’s with Three - hoping I can prove ours is better here direct with Three.


(also, FWIW, Curry’s owns iD. iD just piggyback on the Three network - not being picky, just pointing it out)

  • New
  • 1 reply
  • January 16, 2025

I now have terrible coverage with iD Mobile. It makes no difference if I reboot my phone or put my sim in a different phone. Looking at the coverage map I should be getting good signal in my area although that coverage map is just the 3UK coverage map. 


iD Mobile Employee
  • iD Mobile Employee
  • 3158 replies
  • January 17, 2025

Hey there ​@Caillin Spain, sorry to hear that.


What’s your full postcode please?


The 3UK coverage map is correct, as we use 3UK’s network.


