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Hi there, have been staying in France for years, although not all year round, with an id SIM bought in the UK with UK Number- roaming worked fine for years, in France, but after returning to UK last Aug, and only just returned to France this week, 13th June 2023, my data roaming had stopped working. I had forgotten that I wiped/restored my ipad within the last 6 months, and although my data with id in the UK was fine, and although both my account settings and my ipad had “Roaming” toggled ON, I couldn’t   get it to work, even after hard reset, twice. i contacted id on live chat, and no matter what they tried we couldn’t get it to work at all, and they gave up, saying they'd report it to their technical team and they MIGHT get back to me!  BUT…… The VERY simple answer to this common problem, is that most phones or tablets with a UK id SIM automatically sets the APN as “ “, since id piggybacks on three’s network, BUT…… when you're going to one of their roaming destinations, you MUST, REPEAT MUST, manually change the APN setting by erasing the “” and simply entering the two characters “id” in its place. THERES NOTHING ELSE TO DO, LEAVE ALL OTHER LINES BLANK, and thats it! I did it and in less than 5 secs I was connected using the ‘automatic’ network selection method.  as long as BOTH your account settings and your phone/tablet settings are toggled on for roaming, thats the only things that needs doing. hope this helps those, like me, who found that even the id frequently asked questions (FAQs) never even touched on this simple, but frequently experienced problem’s solution. 

Hi @Sir Phil,

Welcome to the Community!

Sorry to hear that you had issues with roaming.

However I’m glad to hear that you got it working and shared the fix with us.

You can find further information on APN settings HERE

