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In 2024, the world revolves around mobile devices and connectivity. When a network provider fails to fulfill their obligations to provider coverage, this a huge risk to vulnerable paying customers and more.

ID have been very poor leaving most without connectivity for 48 hours with no support.

There is a lack of robust contingency and support and this shouldn't be allowed, each reply from Anika is a copy and paste and doesn't serve a purpose.

I propose to start an online Gov petition to take this to parliment to apply extra governance on rogue traders like ID mobile and hold them to account.

If you are interested please comment below and I'll include a link.

ID is shocking. No customer service which I wasn't told when I found the deal on uswitch. Signal always dropping out and now it's randomly turned my sim off. I can't get on the app or call them. If this continues I'll simply stop paying my bill. I'm already bankrupt so what harm will it do. 

It shouldn't be allowed!!!

24/02/2024.. time…19:57pm. 
Mia the net work down?? Completely lost 😡 all connections on Friday wasn’t much better on Saturday. Started working okay Sunday and it started all again.

Hi @Lloyd Smith,

Welcome to the Community!

We are sorry for the issues you have experienced due to the outage.

The services should now be working as normal now, however some customers are still having issues with 3G calls.

If you are still having any issues, please let us know.


