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I read the other people who have had the same issue and the solution seems to be to change the APN to ID.

Unfortunately my phone does not give me the option to make this change.  IOS 17.1.1

Can anyone help?  Telephone calls work but I am not able to use any mobile data.


Have you tried forcing the device to 3G only, or maybe 4G only, @Coullk?

Sometimes a NETWORK RESET can help in this situation - the device user guide should explain how to do this. 

Otherwise, the forum topic by @Peroni93 has a post from @Mohammed (from iD) about a possible work-around, but you’d need a Wi-Fi network connection to get started with this. 


Hi @Coullk,

Welcome to the Community!

Please could you try the steps that @andewhite has advised and let us know how you get on.

If you still have issues, please let us know.



Hi;  I tried all of the suggestions above without any sucess.  I did however read a suggestion that I should switch my sim card to a difference device.  I put the SIM card into a Samsung Galaxy A34 5G and was able to make the changes to the APN (see screenshots).  Unfortunately I still cannot use roaming data but can receive and make telephone calll and text messages.

When I diconnect my phone from wifi I get a message that there is “No data connection”.

I checked my wifes phone which has two SIM cards and found that the ID Mobile card was also not working.  Beginning to think that it is an issue with using these SIM cards in La Reunion.

Any thoughts on anything else we can try?

Best regards


Seems like there’s an H+ data connection @Coullk - looking at your screenshot. 

Calls and texts should work whether or not you have a mobile data connection.

Maybe that’s as good as it gets in that location.


I noted that the MCC is 234 and MNC 20. Could this make any difference?  If not it sounds like we will need to cancel our contracts and look for another network that works in La Reunion.

Hi @Coullk 


As indicated by @andewhite it does appear that your service are technically working, however signal may be quite weak here, I’d recommend a network settings reset if you haven’t tried this already.


For Android;


Settings > System > Reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, mobile & Bluetooth


Resetting network settings will NOT reset any personal data (Photos, Videos, Contacts etc) only network settings.



Tried the reset as suggested (no difference).

We do find it a little strange that there would be a weak signal everywhere on La Reunion.  We have tried to get access to roaning data in St Denis, Le Port, St Marie, St Benoit, St Leu, St Louis; St Pierre, Le Tampon etc).

My understanding was that ID Mobile uses the Orange Reunion network which seems to have a very strong signal across the Island.

Hi @Coullk 


It may be worth trying to switch to manual network connection instead of automatic network connection and trying any networks that are available to use to see your experiences there.


Unfortunately it is possible that the area is weak for signal generally.


