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So I got a new contract with id and was porting over my number from three, completed the form last week and the port was due to take place on Monday. Prior to this, I had been using both my id and three sim card successfully in my phone (S24).

Monday comes round, my three sim card disconnects, and then my id sim disconnects. I have no connection or number registered with wither network when I look at my sim manager on my phone.

Tried several things around trying to reboot phone, force a connection to network etc. Nothing works.

Tuesday I contacted the id live chat to be dragged through similar process of restarting my phone etc etc, nothing works so they say they will send me a new sim. I should say that at this point,  my number to be ported from three is what is showing as my number when I log in to my id account.

New sim arrived Thursday, activated in my id account, still no network connection. On to the live chat again to be taken through the same nonsense processes with no luck, they confirm at the time that my new sim is showing as activated and they don't know why it is not connecting to the network, their proposed solution was to send me out another new sim! 

They have even had the nerve to ask me for a number to contact me on....…

So I am no better off than I was on Monday, I am completely without a phone number which leaves it impossible for me to do carry out a major part of my job, be contactable by anyone particularly my kids school, and can't even do simple things like banking because I can't complete my authentication processes!

Currently I am apparently waiting to be contacted via email by the complaints department, I am not sure how this, whenever it may happen, is going to progress me towards a solution to my problem.

Hi @Daniela87,

Welcome to the Community!

I’m very sorry to hear about the issues with your port and your SIM.

Our Complaints Team should be in touch with you within 72 hours, however it can take a little longer on some occasions.

Have the team been in touch with you? If you are wanting an update, please let us know and we can PM you.



hi i have ported my number last week but its still using the other number with i message and facetime 

Hi @Gemma Elizabeth Duckworth,

Welcome to the Community!

Please can you try the below:

1)    Turn off iMessage (Settings > Messages)
2)    Restart your phone (by pressing and holding the on/off button)
3)    Tap Settings > Phone > My Number and confirm that it is correct. 
4)    If it is not correct, please enter the correct number
5)    Turn iMessage back to On (Settings > Messages)
6)    Finally, go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and see if the correct number is displayed under “Start new conversations from:”. 


