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Hello ,I've had my new phone and ID SIM 3 weeks and I'm only receiving calls and messages from my partner who is on 3 network, other networks say my number is not recognised 

Good morning.

I’m not convinced but found this in another thread: The final solution in my case was dialling "##002#" and pressing call - which reset any call forwarding.

Interesting that your partner can get through or text.  Do you know of anyone else who is either with Three, iD, Smarty, Superdrug or Honest?  All are MVNOs using Three’s network (bar Three themselves).  And what happens when you call outbound?


Morning thank you for the above advise,will give it a go ,not sure of anyone else using three network that I know ,i'm able to make calls fine 

Tried ##002# and it's still not working 😭

Tried ##002# and it's still not working 😭

Did you switch your number to iD recently, @Juliem14
If so, sounds like your number port to iD might not have been 100% successful. 

I had my suspicions, sadly.

Interesting that your partner can get through or text.  Do you know of anyone else who is either with Three, iD, Smarty, Superdrug or Honest?  All are MVNOs using Three’s network (bar Three themselves).  Can they get through?  And what happens when you call outbound?  Can you reach everyone or only your partner?


Yeah switched coming up to 3 weeks ago now 


I have caller my daughter's who are with 02 successfully ,but they are unable to call me ,it tells them number not recognised 

It really does sound like your switch hasn’t been 100% successful, @Juliem14

The iD Mobile Live Chat team should be able to help you though.

Contact an adviser at - after connecting, type “talk to a person” in the chat box to get through to a customer adviser.

The advisers work until 8pm on weekdays (6pm at weekends).


Fab,thank you 

Hi @Juliem14 


Sorry to hear this, have you managed to get in touch and get this looked into?


If not, please let us know here so we can get in touch.



Hi ,still not working 😭,have been in touch with the complaints team ,who have forwarded it onto the tech team ,so got to wait 48 hours 

Hi @Juliem14 


Okay, please keep contact with the complaints team about this.


