Perhaps your bank isn’t using your mobile number as +44 7 etcetera, @Ian1951.
Thank you. Yes it does show me .my registered contact number with a few **** and it does have the 44 - then my mobile without the 0 but I did notice it didn't have the + in front of 44 - could that be it?
I get OTP's at home without any problems though on same boat mber from same bank.
The missing + shouldn’t be an issue, @Ian1951.
If the OTP texts from your bank work when you’re using your iD SIM card in the UK, there might be a network routing issue while using your iD SIM card in Turkey.
The iD roaming partners in Turkey are AVEA and Turkcell - does the bank OTP issue happen with both networks?
. .
I've changed to Turkcell and it still did it - not tried AVEA though. Will I get charged for roaming even if I'm not using the internet or making a phone call when I change to AVEA?
Ps: just remembered both my wife and I have Automatically Choose Network provider. We were both showing as Turk Telecom. She receives her OTP from the same bank. I changed mine to Turkcell but it didn't work so I've gone back to "Automatic" and it's selected Turk Telecom again - so I don't think that's the issue. Whilst trying again I looked at my mobile number on the bank website with the +447****** and the + symbol is showing albeit a small version of it 
Given you might’ve been using the same iD PAYG account for 10-years, have you ever received a replacement iD SIM card during this time, @Ian1951? It could be an issue with your iD SIM card.
You should not be charged for just connecting to the mobile network of one of iD Mobile’s roaming partners, @Ian1951.
I thought we both got replacements about 4/5 years ago but couldn't swear to that. But my wife and myself are like "bookends/mirror images" when it comes to our accounts, phones, Sims - so just confused that hers works fine and mine doesn't - but thank you for trying to help me 
Do you both bank with the same company, @Ian1951?
Perhaps there’s an issue with the SMS bulk aggregator your bank use to get an SMS from their banking systems, to your mobile device.
Both with same bank 
Hi @Ian1951
Sorry to hear this, have you been able to receive these codes while in the UK just fine?
Is your bill cap set higher than £0?
Hi @Ian1951
Sorry to hear this, have you been able to receive these codes while in the UK just fine?
Is your bill cap set higher than £0?
Hey @Tom, isn’t it FREE to receive an SMS text message while roaming, whatever the destination?
Online, iD Mobile don’t show a cost for receiving text messages in Turkey, so a £0 bill cap shouldn’t prevent receipt of text message - is this correct?
Hi @Ian1951,
We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further.
To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.
Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:
We’ll see you there.
@andewhite the OTP should be free for receiving so we’ll investigate it further with @Ian1951 via PM as it may be an issue getting the OTP through abroad.
Hi - back in the UK and still have the same problem. My bank suggest I speak with ID mobile 
Hi @Ian1951,
I can see that you have sent us a PM and we will get back to you there.
Thank you