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Myself and my husband joined ID on the 18th Nov 

our transfer was booked on 21st Nov my husbands transfer is okay and he has no issues, however 

I can make calls but I cannot receive any calls only from people on ID or on the THREE (3) network, which so far is just my husband because he switched to ID.  

I cannot receive texts when I send a text it shows up as the temporary transfer number. I cannot get my OTP for online banking I am loosing a lot of work / business due to the inconvenience and only being compensated for daily line rental which is hardly anything and struggling to make ends meet and live now as this is coming up to a month. 


I have been in touch restless and exhaustively to ID live chat, the vulnerable service as i have issues with my health and the complaints team and nothing up to n ow is resolved. 


I do not want to loose my original number which I have had for over 25yrs ID keep referring me back to my previous provider o2 to get missing files however they say the port out was successful on and complete from their end and I have now been disconnected they have told me on several occasions ID must do an exception form which ID do not understand this terminology and do not know what to do….I have been to my local  Currys who have escalated the matter and they do not get an answer back. 

I looked into doing a double port but I cannot because I am only half ported can anyone help me out their I am at my wits end with this problem with ID I am even registered and paying for for a phone under the wrong number. 


I have been into the three (3) shop and they cannot help me either. does anyone other than waiting for the technical team to sort this issue out have any ideas of how I can get this issues resolved?

Sorry to hear about your porting issues @Michaela Smith Short

FYI, the OFCOM mobile number portability rules make the gaining service provider (iD Mobile) 100% responsible for completing the number transfer. 

Unfortunately Three UK can’t help iD Mobile customers, and if you’ve made an official complaint to iD Mobile you’ll need to get the issue resolved through the iD complaints team.  


@andewhite do you know of anyone who has had their split porting issues resolved 

ID customers services have not been the best just keep on raising tickets and hearing nothing back

ID are not adhering to the OFCOM RULESS either 

Sorry to hear about your porting issues @Michaela Smith Short

FYI, the OFCOM mobile number portability rules make the gaining service provider (iD Mobile) 100% responsible for completing the number transfer. 

Unfortunately Three UK can’t help iD Mobile customers, and if you’ve made an official complaint to iD Mobile you’ll need to get the issue resolved through the iD complaints team.  



@andewhite do you know of anyone who has had their split porting issues resolved 

ID customers services have not been the best just keep on raising tickets and hearing nothing back

ID are not adhering to the OFCOM RULESS either 

I believe so @Michaela Smith Short - there are forum posts where users report their split port problem was resolved. 

Your switch appears to be taking longer than OFCOM rules stipulate - just keep mentioning split-port, and the message will hopefully get through. The only stick in this situation is getting compensation for the delay, because the rules don’t have incentives to ensure the losing service provider (O2) fixes things efficiently, if something goes wrong.

Unfortunately, many forum users never post any updates about whether or not things are rectified.

Hi @Michaela Smith Short 


All number transfers require the original network to supply a file to the new network. This file has not been supplied which is completely outside of our control. We’re sorry as we know how frustrating this is for you.


It is standard process for us to escalate any missing files with the network you’re switching from as soon as they are late. We are already chasing the network you are switching from on a daily basis and as soon as the file arrives, your switch will complete. Just look out for a text message from iD confirming that it has completed.



Hi @Michaela Smith Short 

Did you managed to resolve the matter? 
I am having the same problem switching fro Lebara to ID mobile. It should switch over yesterday but it is stuck with not able to receive calls with ID sim. Customer service just saying they are looking into it and will get back to me.

Hi @Madmidwife 


Sorry to hear you’ve also had issues porting to iD Mobile, are you able to make calls?


How are texts and data?


