My old id number is showing up when I text message someone rather than my current number. I've used the tip above and the number in my settings is correct but texts still aren't working properly
It seems I have the same problem as Claire at the top of this feed.
I have the same problem with my new iD sim following my retained number being incorporated.
My phone - android- settings “about” gives my retained number as +44…...
My iD app shows my retained number as 079…. not +44...
My Phone settings shows the sim as my retained number +44...
Text messages sent on Monday after 12.03 pm when I was I was informed by iD of the confirmation of the switch all used my retained number
BUT any text messages Tuesday and today Wednesday are all sent by the temporary id mobile number sent by iD and this is after iD massaging me that the id original number no longer existed.
SO MY PROBLEM IS ….. How can I sort the issue of my retained number and profile etc not showing in my sent messages….. and HOW do I remove all references to the old id number that they say doesn’t exist any more?
Hi I have just referred my wife to ID mobile. And I am having the same issue. I have tried all the above solutions and nothing is working. When I text her it still shows as though it's my original ID mobile number not my transfered one.
I had no idea you’d posted until earlier @peter leslie, but this also applies to @Ethan275
I’m assuming you’re on Android and have gone through the entire link I posted above? If so what some have done is to either delete any RCS updates and then download the latest version again or as a more nuclear option some completely uninstall and reinstall RCS and this has fixed theirs.
I only posted iD’s help page. I use an Android phone but refuse to use Google’s RCS (personal preference). Granted their help page says “ If this doesn’t work, try clearing the cache for both Google Play Services and Google Play Store”but numbers 8 and 12 also say clear data
I wouldn’t delete any data unless I knew what the consequences could be - as in your case it deleted your wallet cards. I can only advise you raise this issue with iD to see if that suggestion to delete data should be there or not (if they keep it they should put a note about the wallet cards being deleted too).
I had to assume you’d followed their advice and it still didn’t work. My previous reply above is what others did and fixed their RCS number issue - although in some cases being as Google’s RCS system auto updates every 8 days sometimes doing nothing at our end fixes this anyway.
Anyway, with that being as you disliked the advice I’ll shall leave you in the capable hands of others.
Hey there @peter leslie, have you tried the following to confirm please?
1) Open Messages, go to Settings (top right, Message Settings), open "Chat Features" or "RCS Chats", verify if this is the correct number or not.
2) If it shows the incorrect one, then head to: and you should be able to unregister the number. Once done, turn off the Chat Features/RCS and the phone. Wait a few minutes and turn the device back on and re-enable Chat Features/RCS it should let you re-register/update to the correct number.
Alternatively, you can turn Chat Features/RCS off and test SMS after this.
Went to message App - Force stopped it and deleted all updates. Restarted the app and was prompted to enter my Google password and mobile number. RCS was eventually recognised and turned on.