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Hi, requested transfer for the 8th of January  2024 and nothing happened. So I have requested again for 9th of January 2024 and still not transferred.


If I could get support in transferring my old number over that would be much appreciated.


Kind Regards,



Did you get another (different) PAC from your old service provider @Cazzey

A PAC can only be used once, so not sure how you submitted the PAC again, unless using a new PAC from your old provider. 

If you’ve submitted a new PAC on 09-Jan-2024 (before 17:30), switch should happen 10-Jan-2024 between 08:00 and 22:00.

There can be several hours or more after your old provider’s SIM becomes inactive, before the number you want to keep works with your iD SIM card.


Upon purchase of my new device I input my PAC Code and requested it to start on the 8th of January which it didn't change, so then I submitted a request on the 08/01/24 through the site to transfer the number today(09/01/24).


I can see my old provider has disconnected my old phone and still not transferred onto my new phone.

Okay, thanks @Cazzey
Appears iD have accepted your PAC submission, given your old provider’s SIM is inactive.

If everything goes smoothly, the number you want to keep should switch today (9th Jan) sometime between 08:00 and 22:00

When I switched to iD Mobile, my old provider’s SIM stopped working around 11am. However, my switch wasn’t completed until after 3pm. 

Someone from iD Mobile is unlikely to read your posts here today - to check-up on your switching request, you could try the iD online Live Chat service. 

To avoid the 24/7 chat-bot, type “talk to a person” after connecting.



Hi @Cazzey 


Has your number transfer happened on 09/01/24? This could have taken up to 10pm.


Please let us know how you’re getting on.



Hi both, this has been sorted now thank you very much for the help

Hi @Cazzey 


Glad to hear, let us know if you need anything else.


