
OS Maps does not work when tracking a route

  • 20 February 2023
  • 1 reply

I have used OS maps on my old phone switched to a Moto 32 and it does not function properly.

I have downloaded the map of the area I will be walking in, so that I can still record my route even if I loose phone signal.

I keep having the app loose signal and draw straight lines on the map often to point miles away from where I am. The GPS and Google maps work but OS maps doesn't.

Can anyone suggest a fix.   


Best answer by Mohammed 20 February 2023, 14:17

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Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @Fozzy 222,

You’ll need to get in touch with OS Maps or the producter of the app for support as this isn’t a network query and we don’t provide the app.

Perhaps they have a forum for support dedicated for their app.

