
PAC transfer error

I’ve received my new ID Sim and am trying to transfer my old number. Im getting a PAC code error message. I’ve checked with the old

provider that this is correct and all other I do is accurate. Old provider says there is nothing they can and they can’t issue a new PAC code. Please can you help? Thanks 

4 replies

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

You can only use the PAC once @TriTread1.

Did you submit the PAC, from your old provider, when you made your purchase from iD Mobile @TriTread1?  

Yes that right. But now I’m being asked for it again 

Userlevel 8
Badge +9

Okay @TriTread1, if you gave your old provider’s PAC to iD Mobile when your purchased your new iD SIM card, then that PAC can’t be used / submitted again. 

You should get an email / text message from iD the day before the number you wanted to keep gets transferred to iD.

Good luck @TriTread1


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @TriTread1 


You may still receive an email about porting and submitting your PAC code via the port form however if you’ve already submitted your PAC at checkout you won’t need to submit it again, the port will happen on the given/selected date between 8am and 10pm.


