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plan suspension and timescale to resolve

  • 19 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Plan suspension 


I had a text yesterday morning saying plan suspended due to non payment.


The direct debit was taken and returned although adequate funds in account so assume audis issue as I updated account details in the app.


I then paid online, is said on app I was still in arrears so I paid again


I have now paid my £30 bill/arrears three times, I can't make calls as it says there is an issue 


I'm on holiday in a foreign country with limited online access to chat to anyone (the time difference also makes this quite difficult).


It's been 24 hours since the message saying I was in arrears and access suspended (also no warning which I would have remediated immediately) and 18 hours since I made up the payment and I still cannot use the SIM 


Please tell me how / when I will have my account switched back on




Supplementary to that is it possible to pay the remaining months of both phone and airtime contract so that this can't happen again? Happy to leave the direct debit for any additional costs but I'm not sure it's set up correctly to be taken. 




Then as a follow up I wish to put a complaint on about the immediate suspension without warning 



6 replies

Having a similar issue, paid on the website, money has been taken yet I get an 'opps there's been an issue with your payment' and account is still showing in arrears! If anyone has any ideas let me know!


Every time I try and do anything with this company it's glitchy and if you're going to be an online company with no proper customer services it should be the absolute bare minimum that your app isn't full of bugs and glitches!

It is now working (assume 24 hours)

But I'm a few months in credit and now idea if the next direct debit will be taken 

Immediate issue resolved but assume future issues if can't confirm direct debit is sorted 

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Djwdarwen 


Glad to hear you’re back on, a suspension can technically take up to 24 hours to lift after a payment (Typically quicker, but can take up to 24 hours).


If your account is in credit an incoming bill would take away from the credit before charging you.



Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Jenomx 


Sorry to hear this, do you still require assistance with this?

Please let us know if so so we can get in touch.

We’ll be able to get in contact with you to assist here, or for a quicker service, we’d recommend using the Live Chat, Facebook or Twitter.


I don't want to be in this position again 

Please can you advise how I can pay up the remaining months of the contract so that the direct debit is only for extras?

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Djwdarwen 


I’d recommend ensuring that your details in both the iD Mobile app/website and with your bank (Name, address etc) match exactly, as well as using the address search feature for your address and not entering it manually.


If you wish to pay ahead, you’ll be able to do so by calling the manual payment line on 7777 from your iD Mobile number or 0333 003 0001.


