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I'm roaming in Portugal, can't send a SMS text to a UK mobile number. I get "can't send on ID, error 0".

I've unlimited texts allowance, so what's going on?


A handset restart solved it. Wow, I've been in Portugal a week and haven't restarted yet!

So, lesson to learn... Not all network changes take effect without a restart. Switching to airplane mode then back isn't enough?

Hi @Phebmuccv 


Glad to hear a restart of the device solved it, if something isn’t going right, a handset restart is always a good idea.



Why am I getting charged for roaming in Portugal 

How do I stop getting charged for roaming in portugal 

Hi @Gary c 


You shouldn’t be charged for regular usage of your allowance (up to 30GB) while in Portugal, I’d recommend checking your bill to see what the charges are labeled as, are they labeled as “Rest of world” charges or something similar?


