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I’ve had a couple of issues where I’ve been cut off mid call with this message “Sorry, your service does not allow access to this number”. It happened once a few months ago when I was speaking to an emergency helpline (really not great) and it just happened again today and I was talking to a government agency (also not great timing). The only thing I can think of is I think they were both 0800 numbers. Is there an issue or setting around 0800 numbers in my account? I can see the other people have also had similar issues.

Hi @CeliaKa,

Welcome to the Community!

I’m sorry to hear that. 

How long were the calls?

Have you had any issues with any other 0800 numbers apart from the 2 mentioned?




I also had this issue yesterday (16 Sep 2023) on a call to a landline, 2-3 min into the call. I had again today on a call to a mobile number, 12 min into the call. Both were using WiFi calling.

I had a much longer phone call earlier today, about an hour long, which was not affected. That was over the 3G network, not WiFi.


The first call was about an hour in when it disconnected. It was in the middle of a very distressing call. The more recent one was about 10 minutes into the call, after having been on hold for 40 minutes. Had to call back and join the back of queue. Whole thing took me hours. I was just using my normal phone - I wasn’t using Wi-Fi as far as I was aware.

Hi @CeliaKa,

We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account so we can discuss your issue further.

To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.



I am also having this issue now and have done all week! 

it is disgusting. Paying for a service i can not use, cannot make business calls! Embarrassing.

this seems to be a regular repeated issue. What is being done about it, do i get money back from my monthly payments? 
no one seems available to talk to me about the issue and when i call complaint line my phone cuts me off diring security checks!


what on earth!? Im having serious regrets joining ID!

constant issues and no human to contact just online chat jibberish! Appalling! Will not be staying with you! 

Hi @Alex Ward 


How long have you been having this issue?


There has been an issue affecting multiple customers as of 16/01/24, the team are aware of this issue and are investigating this urgently.



I too am experiencing the same issue, do we know when the issue will be resolved.

I too am experiencing the same issue, do we know when the issue will be resolved.

