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Hi, I bought id mobile with iphone 15 in November. At that time it was told that my old number will be transferred to this sim but still it hasn’t been transferred. Last month I paid for both. Could you transfer this asap?

and how can we talk with anyone of you?

Hey @archaaat, you can only chat online with iD support - there’s no telephone helpline. 

Use the iD online Live Chat service to talk to support -
The agents work until 8pm on weekdays.

Looking at your post, if your old provider’s SIM card is still working, then your PAC was not processed by iD Mobile after purchasing your new iPhone 15. 

If your old provider was iD Mobile, then your can’t transfer the mobile number from one iD account over to another iD account.


Hi, my old provider was not id mobile. 
Could you please process the request asap?

Hi, my old provider was not id mobile. 
Could you please process the request asap?

Hey @archaaat, I’m just a forum member like yourself. 
Forum members can’t look at iD Mobile customer accounts, due to UK data protection regulations. 

This is a public forum, so anybody with Internet access can read user posts here.
For help, I’d recommend contacting iD Mobile support privately, using one of the following options: 

  • Online Live Chat (via a popup window in a web browser).
  • Facebook Messenger.
  • An X (formerly Twitter) DM (direct message).

The number porting team only work on weekdays.


Hi @archaaat, welcome to the community!

@andewhite is correct here. It sounds like your number port hasn’t been processed, otherwise your old SIM would have disconnected.

We’ll shortly send you a Private Message to your Community account, so we can discuss your issue further.

To access your messages, click your profile picture in the top right hand corner and then click ‘Private Messages’.

Alternatively, if you are currently logged in, you can use the following link:

We’ll see you there.

