

Hi guys it's currently saying I can upgrade in October if is it possible to pay of rest of contract and does thar guarantee a upgrade 


Best answer by WelshPaul 6 May 2023, 20:58

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Userlevel 6
Badge +6

iD Mobile does not allow early upgrades.

Even if u pay the 5 months remaining in advance upfront 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Sean Gollop 


@WelshPaul would be correct here, we don’t offer upgrades earlier than the already given early upgrades, the iD Mobile app/website while logged in would display the earliest upgrade date.



Hi all I’ve just upgraded with id mobile all my data has transferred to my new phone with no problems but I still can’t ring or receive any calls yet so I’m still carrying my old phone around does anyone know how long it takes or do I need to do something to activate it thanks for any help

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Amanda Greene 


If you’ve upgraded nothing in terms of the SIM card should have changed, you wouldn’t lose connection nor would you need to activate anything, have you received another SIM card since upgrading?
