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I am unable to delete any voicemail. There is no option to delete or any trash can on screen. In fact I am only able to hear the oldest voicemail and have 2 new ones I cannot retrieve because as soon as it plays the old one it cuts off to the main menu with no delete option? any suggestions out there, this is a new account (8 days) and a galaxy s24

13 replies

Userlevel 3


Option #3 is to delete.  Does it help at all?  Assuming it’s accepted of course.  Otherwise, just want to paste a link to iD’s Community voicemail support page, just for info (if it has anything)…

One option… you could turn voicemail off and then on again later.  This may help reset everything, BUT, you will likely lose the unheard voicemails so use as a last resort.

There used to be a way to call voicemail from a landline, but I can find no info on this.  Perhaps others can chip-in (if the feature still exists).


Thanks and yes Option 3 is the standard across most networks to delete but it won’t delete, just goes to end of message and cuts to the main options for listening, changing greetings etc but absolutely no way of deleting or hearing the other 2 voicemails. Tried the on?off to no avail so will need to try your link to community support page unless anyone else out there knows? But Thanks for trying

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

If you recently switched to iD, and your old service provider’s voicemail had some ‘unread’ messages, things can sometimes go wrong during the switch.

I suspect you’ll need iD to fix this issue, but they’ve got to engage Three UK (who provide the voicemail service for iD Mobile), which can take ages. 

Good luck, @Andy05




Thanks andewhite but they are new messages left just this week and Three UK was my old provider, but I can’t seem to find a way of directly contacting Three, my next thought is trying a Currys branch?

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

Okay @Andy05, I suspect because you’re now a iD Mobile customer, Three UK won’t help you, even if you had a way of contacting them directly.


Sorry that was a typo on my behalf. It’s is ID mobile I need to contact as the messages are on Id this week since my switch from 3 last week. I just cannot find a way of contacting ID since their 7777 phone service can’t do anything

Userlevel 8
Badge +10

Sorry that was a typo on my behalf. It’s is ID mobile I need to contact as the messages are on Id this week since my switch from 3 last week. I just cannot find a way of contacting ID since their 7777 phone service can’t do anything

Okay @Andy05, alas iD Mobile don’t provide a telephone support helpline. 

All iD’s interactive help & support is online via Live Chat, or from their social media pages by using Facebook Messenger or X (formarely Twitter) to contact iD privately. 

Alternatively, if you don’t mind waiting days, weeks, months even, then just hang on here for a response from an iD employee.


when someone leaves me a voicemail, I don’t get a notification and when I open my voicemail it says I do not have any voicemails  

My voicemail is set up.  On the app it says voicemail activated. 

Why is this happening? 


Userlevel 5
Badge +6

Hi there @Olly124, we’re sorry to hear that.


Have you tried deactivating and then re-activating voicemail to see if this helps?




Hi Tyler,


Yes I have, twice. 

It’s a very unreliable system.  I have had someone leave me a message twice in the space of 2hrs.  The first test I didn’t get the voicemail but the second one I did. 

I have previously set up the voicemail with my name.  Now it’s only my phone number. 

Why the inconsistency?




How do I turn off voicemail. I haven't activated it. It says I have 5 messages

Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Olly124 


I’m unsure why the first one wouldn’t have been received, are you still not receiving voicemails?



Userlevel 8
Badge +6

Hi @Sue Ruth 


You’ll be able to turn off voicemail in the iD Mobile app/website.


