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 I cannot use mobile internet, make calls or send texts. Culprit being i have no credit, but i bought a £15 pack 16 days ago. I can receive calls and texts. And the frustrating thing is the pack will expire in 11 days and i will waste £15 for services not working. I believe the recent change made to PAYG users finally being able to use APP instead of web browser to manage their account, buy credit etc. has messed everything up. WHAT IS GOING ON?


Hi @Ivo Sala,

Welcome to the Community!

I can see that we have responded to you elsewhere.

Have you checked your allowances to check what you have left?

Did the bundle work since you purchased it or has it not worked since purchasing?



My bundle has not been working since i bought it. It's been almost a month. CAN'T connect to mobile network, make calls or send texts. CAN recieve calls and texts. I don't have another handset to test it on. 


So the pack ( 20gb, unlimited texts/calls)  i bought for £15 is worthless because it is not working. I topped up my credit  for £20 instead and everything works now. How do i get a refund?

Hey there @Ivo Sala, we’re sorry to hear that that the £15.00 bundle didn’t work, but we’re glad to hear that since topping up, your services are now working correctly again.


Just to confirm, are you still awaiting a refund for this bundle, that you purchased, and that you say hasn’t worked at all since purchasing?


Thank you,

