I once ended a decent date with a nice man with "See you later dude."
I was mortified, but he found it hilarious
I went on a fancy dinner date, restaurant was about 30 min drive from my house and he drives me. Got all the way home and forgot my bag with, phone, purse and house keys in it so had to make him drive all the way back to collect the bag and drop me back off home. Rather embarrassed 
I thought I was hitting it off with this guy, until he pulled out a miniature easel and started sketching me mid-conversation, announcing he "needed to capture my essence."
I was once ‘asked out’ as all my friends and family had plans on my birthday.
she suggested we go to the zoo, her treat. We turned up at the front gate and she’d forgotten her purse. She was mortified for the whole day but I had to pay for everything (this was a good ten years ago now) as we came to the end of the date, to stop any awkwardness, I basically pushed her out of a rolling car!
I invited my lovely Greek boyfriend (at the time)round for dinner and decided to cook toad in the hole. Didn’t cross my mind he wouldn’t know what it was. When I served it up and he saw the wee brown lumps in the Yorkshire, he looked at me absolutely horrified and asked “what on earth did you do?”. He thought I’d been down the pond catching our tea in some bizarre attempt to woo him!
I flew to another country to meet (my now partner of 4 years) for the first time however once I landed I realised the airline had lost my luggage. I had no idea what to do and was in tears. It was also my first time flying on my own so was very frustrated and confused. After getting it sorted with airport staff, I left and entered the arrivals lounge soaked in tears and face all red and blotchy
Great first impression 🥳
When I went on my first date with my now husband, we was in the hotel room and as I was getting out of bed, I popped my sciatic nerve and I couldn’t physically move so when he was in the bathroom and come out, I said ‘babe, I’m stuck!’ He thought he was in for a good time when in reality, I couldn’t physically move! HAHAHA
Went on a date while studying abroad and ended seeing my class mates at the same place that I was on the date!! I was so embarrassed and shy
We once went to portugal on a romantic break and my partner was made up coming out the restaurant with a bottle of mateus rose wine and red roses (showing off) and it was pouring down with rain he slipped on the wet path way and fell right on his bum but somehow managed to save the mateus rose but had a sore back for a few weeks
we was only in our teens we are 40 years old married now.
Went to a guys house for dinner. When I arrived, he asked me to take my shoes off. OK, fine. Then he told me how disappointed he was that I had socks on. Said he wouldn't mind if I wanted to take them off too. I politely said I was fine with them on. So he said maybe later then. With a wink. During dinner it was obvious he had a thing about feet. Said the first thing that he noticed about me was I always wore beautiful shoes. But disappointed I didn't wear more open toe shoes.
My funniest date story has to be the day I got engaged. My now husband had arranged a lovely meal at a local Italian restaurant (telling them his plans to propose) but when we arrived they told him the chef had gone home early and there was no food!
He seemed stressed so (completely unknowing of his plans) I just laughed it off and said let’s go to McDonald’s next door! He didn’t seem to want to, but I insisted as I quite like McDonalds and I wasn’t bothered whether our date was a fancy one or not - I had a chicken legend and a frappe so I was happy! Little did I know he had an engagement ring in his pocket and his plans had been ruined!
He didn’t actually propose in the McDonald’s - we finished our meal and went to another local restaurant for drinks where he popped the question! But it ended up being nothing like he had planned
Our engagement meal will always have been a Maccies, but that was nearly 7 years ago now, we are happily married and I wouldn’t change it for the world! We then ended up hiring out a McDonalds at breakfast as our wedding breakfast because it played such a crucial role in our engagement
I do highly recommend a sausage McMuffin with a hangover! 
Met a guy for drinks and had a really great date got on really well and had loads to talk about but as we were saying goodbye I got really flustered and while he went in for a hug I went in with a strong handshake……. I think you can guess what my hand hit. I was so embarrassed I mumbled an apology and ran to my car!
I have to also add my second date with my husband, as it’s funny to look back on - he was a sweet guy and drove a good couple hundred miles to meet me in Skegness because I was already there and I joked to come and see me (is that sweet or weird
After we spent some time on the beach and fair, he offered to drive me home instead of me getting the coach back, so I agreed and we set off. Only he got lost on the back country roads, and I really needed a wee. After a while of trying to find somewhere, I ended up having to go in the bushes, and accidentally stung myself on stinging nettles! He was really concerned about why I screamed, and I was mortified about the whole thing but looking back now it’s funny I guess! 
I went on a date with my partner a couple of years ago and he didnt have a car at the time he decided to ask him mate to take us but instead of his mate going home his friend and his sister had a table behind us and he even paid for their meal as well as ours so didn’t really feel like a date more like a double date

My date turned up with a massive Valentines card that you had to carry under your arm. I mean it was massive. I look back now and think what a funny fantastic thing to do. But at the time I was so embarrassed. I just couldn’t believe it!
An Unforgettable Spicy Night.
In my youth I once thought it would be a great idea to go on a first date to a posh curry house by the sea. However things didn't go entirely to plan. I made a school boy error by ordering something I'd never eaten before and unfortunately found myself waaayyyy outta my comfort zone. Every time I tried to swallow, I had the most violent hiccup. I mean it was funny for the first couple of minutes, well, for my date, but 20 minutes later, that novelty had definitely worn off. Unlike the searing pain in my throat and, more importantly, my soul.... worst of all, that 'volcano hot curry' was only a Lamb Rogan Josh!..... Shame and pain in equal measure.
I did manage a second date, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was only to see if I could embarrass myself even more!
Me and my date went to Brighton music hall and sat outside with a couple pints. He thought it would be a good idea to make a joke by banging his fist under the table and throwing his head forwards to look like he’d just smacked his head on the table…why? Anyway the PLASTIC table flipped up, smacked him in the face, and tipped the pints all over me. I still stayed for a second pint. Good times.
first (and only) date with a girl, were in a park after a light meal, sitting on the grass and chatting.
I feel something poke my ass. I look around, expecting a dog (felt like a nose), saw noting and went back to talking.
Poked again. Look around. Nothing. Poked AGAIN as I’m looking and seeing nothing, now I’m freaking out.
I stand up, and beneath where I was sitting, a tiny lil mole pops his nose out of the ground, and goes on exploring in the grass.
We had a good laugh, and watched him wander, dig, and such. The mole occupied us for at least 30 min before he burrowed under again for good.
I met a guy for coffee, he made me buy my own coffee and spent 2 hours talking about himself 
I met a girl at the airport. My plane was late, and she was too late for hers. We spent all night chatting, sitting on the floor of the departures terminal. We have been married for 27 years, and our kids never found out how we have met ...
I had been talking to my date on the phone for a few months and finally got a date with her. For the life of me I could NOT remember her name for the entire date! We are now married so I guess I got away with it.
Having a nice dinner date with a man named Ben, all was going well, I was really enjoying the date and hoping for a second. Turns out his name wasn’t Ben and was in fact George. I had been calling him Ben the entire time. Second date didn’t happen. Lol
Beautiful summer night, all dressed up, date outside. I came out the door, I think every neighbour was in their garden…
I swung my bag over my shoulder as I closed the door and missed... said bag flew across the garden and landed in the neighbours garden..
I laughed, trying to hide my total embarrassment, went to retrieve the bag, leaned over the fence and fell over it.. I wanted the ground to open up right then..