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World Laughter Day 2024.

World Laughter Day 2024.

World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated on the first Sunday of May. The day is dedicated to promoting laughter as a universal language of peace and understanding. Laughter has been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and improves mood. In addition, laughter is a great tool for bringing people together and breaking down barriers between different cultures and societies.

What is World Laughter Day? 

 The idea of World Laughter Day was first proposed by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the Laughter Yoga movement. Laughter Yoga is a unique concept that combines yoga breathing techniques with intentional laughter to create a joyful and uplifting experience. The first World Laughter Day was celebrated in 1998 in Mumbai, India, and since then, it has become a global phenomenon.

On World Laughter Day, people come together in public spaces to laugh, play games, and have fun. The day is celebrated in over 100 countries around the world, with events ranging from small gatherings to large-scale festivals. The goal is to spread the message of laughter and its positive impact on society.


Apps that’ll make you laugh and promote mindfulness

There are also many apps that promote laughter and positivity. Here are two apps that you can use to celebrate World Laughter Day and promote a healthy mind:

Laugh My App Off (LMAO) 

Laugh My App off (LMAO) is the new way of getting your “HAHA’s and LOL’s” on the go! It’s been scientifically proven that laughter is the best medicine and with Laugh My App Off, it is guaranteed to give you the best quips and jests all day long.

iOS Android

Smiling Mind

This app is a mindfulness and meditation app that is designed to help you reduce stress and improve your mental wellbeing. It offers a range of guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and relaxation techniques. The app also includes a laughter exercise that you can use to boost your mood and promote positivity. Smiling Mind is available for free on both Android and iOS.

iOS - Android


Giveaway Time!

We’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a £100 Currys gift voucher.

This month we want our Community members to come together and make each other laugh! So, we’re asking you to post your favorite Joke below, and we’ll randomly select a winner.

When posting your joke, please be mindful of other members. Any jokes deemed to be offensive will be removed and members may be banned from using the Community in the future. 

Entries close at 23:59 on 19th May 2024. Winners are chosen at random, and we'll announce the lucky iD community member shortly after.

We’ll notify the winner by direct message here on the Community, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Good luck!


What do you call a fish without eyes?


What do dentists call their x-rays? Tooth pics.


There are two fish in a tank. The first fish says to the second fish “How do you drive this thing?” The second fish says “Wow! a talking fish!”

Who hides in a bakery at Christmas?


Mince Spies 😁

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7, 8, 9!! 😂

Two cows in a field one says to the other what do you think about this mad cows decease the other one replied it doesn't bother me I'm a duck 

Why does a milking stool only have 3 legs?


Because the cow has the ‘udder’  🐄 

A man comes home from work one day and discovers that his dog is unconscious.

He rushes the dog to the vet. The vet examines the dog and then says, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but your dog has died.”

The man refuses to believe this. He says to the vet, “I can’t believe my beloved dog is dead! It’ can’t possibly be true! Aren't there any tests you can give him, just to make sure?”

The vet says, “OK, I’ll do a test.” He brings a cat into the exam room. The cat slowly walks around the dog, sniffs it, and then looks at the vet and meows.

The vet says, “The test turned out just as I suspected. Your dog is dead.”

The man says, “I still can’t believe it!! Can’t you do another test?”

So the vet brings in a large black dog. The dog sniffs the man’s unconscious dog, looks at the vet, and says, “Woof!”

The vet says, “Again, the test shows that your dog is dead. I’m so sorry, but you’ll just have to face it.”

The man says, “OK, I guess you’re right. I believe you. It was just hard for me to face that my longtime companion has died. Well, how much do I owe you?”

The vet replies, “You owe me $500.”

The man says, “500?? You’re charging me $500 to tell me my dog is dead?”

The vet replies, “No, I’m charging you $50 to tell you your dog is dead. The $450 is for the cat scan and the lab test.”

Why don't skeletons fight each other?

They don't have the guts!

Did you hear about the dyslexic guy?he choked on his own vimto!!!!!

3 part joke - What do you call a 3 legged donkey ? A Wonky... what do you call a 3-legged donkey with one eye ? .... A winky wonky. 😉 What do you call a 3-legged donkey with one eye who needs a bath??......

I accidentally used acupuncture needles on my voodoo doll and now I’ve cured my enemy’s sciatica.


Why did the man fall down the well?

Because he didn’t see that well.

World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated on the first Sunday of May. The day is dedicated to promoting laughter as a universal language of peace and understanding. Laughter has been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and improves mood. In addition, laughter is a great tool for bringing people together and breaking down barriers between different cultures and societies.

What is World Laughter Day? 

 The idea of World Laughter Day was first proposed by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the Laughter Yoga movement. Laughter Yoga is a unique concept that combines yoga breathing techniques with intentional laughter to create a joyful and uplifting experience. The first World Laughter Day was celebrated in 1998 in Mumbai, India, and since then, it has become a global phenomenon.

On World Laughter Day, people come together in public spaces to laugh, play games, and have fun. The day is celebrated in over 100 countries around the world, with events ranging from small gatherings to large-scale festivals. The goal is to spread the message of laughter and its positive impact on society.


Apps that’ll make you laugh and promote mindfulness

There are also many apps that promote laughter and positivity. Here are two apps that you can use to celebrate World Laughter Day and promote a healthy mind:

Laugh My App Off (LMAO) 

Laugh My App off (LMAO) is the new way of getting your “HAHA’s and LOL’s” on the go! It’s been scientifically proven that laughter is the best medicine and with Laugh My App Off, it is guaranteed to give you the best quips and jests all day long.

iOS Android

Smiling Mind

This app is a mindfulness and meditation app that is designed to help you reduce stress and improve your mental wellbeing. It offers a range of guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and relaxation techniques. The app also includes a laughter exercise that you can use to boost your mood and promote positivity. Smiling Mind is available for free on both Android and iOS.

iOS - Android

 My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the ceiling!

Giveaway Time!

We’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a £100 Currys gift voucher.

This month we want our Community members to come together and make each other laugh! So, we’re asking you to post your favorite Joke below, and we’ll randomly select a winner.

When posting your joke, please be mindful of other members. Any jokes deemed to be offensive will be removed and members may be banned from using the Community in the future. 

Entries close at 23:59 on 19th May 2024. Winners are chosen at random, and we'll announce the lucky iD community member shortly after.

We’ll notify the winner by direct message here on the Community, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Good luck!



 My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the ceiling!

What kind of dog likes taking a bath every day? A shampoo-dle. 

Why did the Mexican throw his wife off a cliff......... Tequila. 

What do you call a man with no shins? tony (toe knee) 😂 😂 😂 😂 


A Christmas joke for you all .... a guy goes away for the weekend and arrives at his hotel. As he is waiting to check in he overhears some chess players talking loudly within the lobby, each one trying to make out they are better than the other. When he the guy finally reaches the front desk, the receptionist sees he is annoyed and asks if he is ok. "No"he replies, "I hate chess nuts boasting in an open foyer"!

How does a tree get on the internet?.......................................... It logs on🌲🌎😂

What is a clean house a sign of?

There's no internet connection


How do you get a country girl's attention?


A tractor 🚜 

How do you make a bandstand ?????


Take there chairs away !!!!

World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated on the first Sunday of May. The day is dedicated to promoting laughter as a universal language of peace and understanding. Laughter has been scientifically proven to have numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and improves mood. In addition, laughter is a great tool for bringing people together and breaking down barriers between different cultures and societies.

What is World Laughter Day? 

 The idea of World Laughter Day was first proposed by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the Laughter Yoga movement. Laughter Yoga is a unique concept that combines yoga breathing techniques with intentional laughter to create a joyful and uplifting experience. The first World Laughter Day was celebrated in 1998 in Mumbai, India, and since then, it has become a global phenomenon.

On World Laughter Day, people come together in public spaces to laugh, play games, and have fun. The day is celebrated in over 100 countries around the world, with events ranging from small gatherings to large-scale festivals. The goal is to spread the message of laughter and its positive impact on society.


Apps that’ll make you laugh and promote mindfulness

There are also many apps that promote laughter and positivity. Here are two apps that you can use to celebrate World Laughter Day and promote a healthy mind:

Laugh My App Off (LMAO) 

Laugh My App off (LMAO) is the new way of getting your “HAHA’s and LOL’s” on the go! It’s been scientifically proven that laughter is the best medicine and with Laugh My App Off, it is guaranteed to give you the best quips and jests all day long.

iOS Android

Smiling Mind

This app is a mindfulness and meditation app that is designed to help you reduce stress and improve your mental wellbeing. It offers a range of guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and relaxation techniques. The app also includes a laughter exercise that you can use to boost your mood and promote positivity. Smiling Mind is available for free on both Android and iOS.

iOS - Android


Giveaway Time!

We’re giving one lucky winner the chance to win a £100 Currys gift voucher.

This month we want our Community members to come together and make each other laugh! So, we’re asking you to post your favorite Joke below, and we’ll randomly select a winner.

When posting your joke, please be mindful of other members. Any jokes deemed to be offensive will be removed and members may be banned from using the Community in the future. 

Entries close at 23:59 on 19th May 2024. Winners are chosen at random, and we'll announce the lucky iD community member shortly after.

We’ll notify the winner by direct message here on the Community, so please keep an eye on your inbox.

Good luck!



How do you get a tissue to dance?


You put a boogie on it... 😁