New Year, New You: 5 tips to make the most of 2023

New Year, New You: 5 tips to make the most of 2023

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To make the most of my greenhouse and grow as much salad as I can to help me be a bit healthier, reduce costs, food miles and plastic waste

I'm doing No Snackuary.

I aim to get out and do more this year, exploring new places both locally and further afield.

The rising of a full Moon on a clear night. Just Beautiful.

Userlevel 1

I want to get out on the bike more and lose weight this year

My New Year’s resolution was getting back to an exercise regime and to look after my health 

When the football is on all day with a nice cold beer😁🍻

Seeing my family happy and healthy 🥰

Userlevel 1

My New Years resolution is not to make any resolutions. 

I don’t make any New Years Resolutions.

Walking in the country with my children 

My New Year’s resolutions are to get out more , see and make more friends, get to the gym and get more fit, and to get a new job ! ☺️

My Resolution is to get fitter, study more (complete more courses at work) but also do more to give back to others 

I have got no new years resolution

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I’m going to take my mum on some nice days out because she needs cheering up and I’d love to spend more time with her and make some happy memories

Better control of my finances to enable me to have more leisure time experiences.

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I’m definitely setting some NEW YEARS resolutions:

  1. Health focus-I want to manage my health-eat consciously.
  2. Exercise-Walk more….more steps
  3. Be more active 
  4. Learn something new I.e take a course, learn a craft/trade

I’m making a resolution to live more, more adventures, more saying yes, more experiences and more happy memories. 

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Family time and holidays together!

Being with friends and family

To help my daughter get a start in the life of independence 

My resolution this year is to waste less food, make more of the leftovers.  I also want to waste less of my free time, and get a little bit more exercise. 

None made this year

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I don’t make New Year’s resolutions but like a lot of people I would like to lose some weight.

My new years resolution was to stop being so hard on myself and to take the positives out of every situation😁

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