Hi guys, so I think I have gotten to the bottom of a conundrum, but ID’s customer support don’t seem able to help. Advice is appreciated! When I first got my ID account, I was given a new phone number. I asked ID if I could transfer my old number over, and they agreed. Fast forward to last week, my dad realises he has two direct debits for ID coming out of his account for years, despite the fact I am the only one in my family who has an ID contract. My dad has been paying since I was a teen and we haven’t had time to sort it since I just graduated uni. After several frustrating rounds dealing with customer service, over the course of a few days, we are finally told there is another ID mobile number we are paying for - one I do not recognise and have never used. We cancel the payments coming out of the bank account, pending further information. Suddenly, my phone stops being able to make calls, and an auto message says that it is because I have an ‘outstanding payment’. Does this mean t